Boise Tree Service Pest Control in Boise, IDInsect Control Treatment & PreventionPrevent devastating infestations of bugs on your trees with potent tree insect management provided by Boise Valley Tree Trimming Service, Boise, Idaho. Insects that use your trees for food and shelter often can overwhelm the health of a tree, even precipitating disease and even a downward spiral to its death.
Act fast when you see signs of insect activity or unusual marks on the limbs or bark of you trees. Web-building, wood-boring, leaf-eating, sap-sucking and egg laying insects can overcome a tree rapidly. Some insects such as scale produce a sticky, honey-like substance that drips from the trees onto vehicles, sheds, and homes causing permanent damage to paint and finishes. The sweet drippings can also draw ants and other pests. Insects can cause hidden damage that can kill or ruin the look of your trees. Treatment may be spraying for insects or treating with granules. Removing a dead or unattractive tree can be expensive. The leftover root system can make it impossible to plant another tree in the same area, so the whole landscaping concept has to be changed. Boise's tree landscape is amazingly diverse. Each species of tree has is susceptible to different diseases and insects. Watch for any changes in the appearance of your tree, particularly the bark. Make sure all trimming and pruning is done correctly to ensure that the tree heals properly. Trees are an important part of your landscape. With the proper care, a tree will last for generations. An annual inspection by a specialist can give you peace of mind and ensure your trees continue to thrive. Boise Valley Tree Trimming provides professional, affordable and fully insured tree care services for residential and commercial properties, specializing in proper tree treatment. Call (208)914-6923 today for a free inspection and estimate.
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